Hello, All,
As the title suggests, I need to think out loud a little and get some input from others who have much stronger Vanguard-Fu than I.
Age 34. No debt whatsoever. Max 401K and IRAs, just started putting about $1k/month in the taxable account.
I have $119K in my 401k that has to stay put. The investment choices pretty much suck (high expense ratio), mostly invested in FUSEX (Spartan 500).
I have $67K in my Roth IRA and $60K in my wife’s Roth IRA I'm in the process of transferring to Vanguard Roth IRAs, $10K in a taxable account going to Vanguard, and about $6K in cash that I want to keep very liquid.
For the retirement accounts, given that I already have a large stake in the Spartan 500 fund, what should I do with my new Vanguard accounts? I’m thinking 40/40/20 VTSAX/VTIAX/VBTLX spread between the two accounts to reach the minimums, then purchase a 2040 target date fund monthly, then redistribute/rebalance out of the target date fund every so often (every 6 months?). The would land me the equivalent of 70/30/10. Or should I just dump all of it in a target date fund and be done with it?
I have no idea what to do with the brokerage account…it is pretty much all for retirement. Going to be hard to hit the minimums for a while with only $10K and get a good mix.
What would you do if you needed to invest about $150K for the long haul?