Stay the course with your planned asset allocation. Ignore market fears. The whole point of developing a well thought out plan, and then execution that plan, is because regardless of what you see in the news, no one knows the future to any degree of fidelity. Will there be a correction? Sure, at some point. But no one knows exactly when that point is, or what the bottom of that will be. In other words, the people who have been waiting to invest because we were overvalued in, let's just say for this example, 2014 have missed out on a lot of gains. Especially those gains since December.
What you're asking basically is, "Should I time the market?" And the answer is, unequivocally, no. There is just too much data to process for the average investor.
Another way of stating this is, do you check on the value of your house monthly and take out equity depending on when that value is too high? If the answer is no, then it should be the same for your investments. Your goal is the long game, and the upward trend line on the value of your portfolio, not the month to month speculation of the equity.