The Money Mustache Community

Learning, Sharing, and Teaching => Investor Alley => Topic started by: FrugalFan on June 09, 2015, 01:52:09 PM

Title: Critique this potential family asset allocation?
Post by: FrugalFan on June 09, 2015, 01:52:09 PM
   His RRSP   His TFSA   My RRSP   My TFSA   Joint Taxable   Total $   Total %   Ideal Total %
   48,693.00   49,348.00   27,332.00   54,300.00   45,078.00   $224,751.00      
Bonds      49,348.00   21,000.00         $70,348.00   31.30%   30.00%
Canadian stocks               45,078.00   $45,078.00   20.06%   21.67%
US stocks   48,693.00               $48,693.00   21.67%   21.67%
International stocks         6,332.00   43,300.00      $49,632.00   22.08%   21.66%
REITS            11,000.00      $11,000.00   4.89%   5.00%
               Total   $224,751.00   100.00%   100.00%
Title: Re: Critique this potential family asset allocation?
Post by: GGNoob on June 09, 2015, 02:04:25 PM
So to make that easier to read...

Your ideal target % is:
21.67% Canadian Stocks
21.67% US Stocks
21.66% Internationals Stocks
30% Bonds

The asset allocation looks good, but things like  age and time to retirement might change my thoughts. Feel free to share more about yourself and your financial situation if you want some better input.
Title: Re: Critique this potential family asset allocation?
Post by: FrugalFan on June 09, 2015, 02:12:44 PM
Sorry! This jumbled one posted by accident. I reposted.