How likely is it that your income will go up into the next tax bracket? If it is, you are probably better off converting now.
With the laws as they are, it is much better to have a Roth IRA vs a traditional IRA. But, the laws can and do change. A future congress, hungry for money, may significantly change the rules pertaining to Roth IRAs, especially if there is a dire need for cash (Medicare funding for baby boomers maybe?). Also, marginal tax rates have fluctuated wildly in the past. Will tax rates for up dramatically in the future? If they do, you are likely to benefit from converting now.
I don't like the idea of converting IRA money when you are in a relatively high tax bracket. But given the above, and how young you are, I would seriously consider doing the conversion now. If you are invested in stock, one thing you may want to consider is waiting until later in the year. The markets are pretty jittery and you may have a lower amount to convert if a bear market develops in 2016. I have no crystal ball but I think odds are higher for a bear market than a bull market.
I am assuming that you have cash available to pay the taxes for the conversion. If not, I would not convert until you do. There is no point in taking the tax money also out of your IRA.