Interesting concept, though the value is questionable (as the conversation indicates). But just looking at the invest as itself....
There are two red flags that stick out to me. The ROI over 10 years, when the company only started 2019 (Both vino and vint) and 10%+ returns. Just a little suspicious of any investment that promises 10%+ a year, especially when you don't know if the company is going to be able to handle the investment correctly, given it's short life span.
Digging into some reviews, it comes off as a meh investment, especially given some fees shown through vino which, in my opinion, has the better model. Shares of a bottle of wine/spirits or any collectable honestly seems sketchy to me and I would steer clear of anything like that.
IF you choose to invest in this, in my opinion, it's a high risk given the age of the company and the promises given.