You make good money and you're risk averse. As others here have suggested, low cost index funds are a great way to go. Considering that you are risk averse, and you're making enough money to not need to take as much market risk, you could consider a retiree-centric asset allocation.
30% stocks (just pick a total market fund)
60% intermediate term Treasuries fund
10% cash earning 1%
Go to and take a look at that at asset allocation. You'll find that even in an extreme selloff like 2008, this allocation will face minimal disruption, which should help keep you from panic selling. Ofcourse the trade off is that you won't earn as much from your capital in the long run, but I get the feeling you're OK with that.
There's nothing wrong with being risk averse, just know what you should expect and don't deviate from your plan one you implement it.
*EDIT* it looks like you're just asking why invest in the US market when it's relatively expensive. Well, many large cap companies actually make half their money overseas (consumer staples, restaurant chains, industrials software companies) so your already getting exposure overseas. Also the US isn't as exposed to the slowdown in China as overseas markets are (Canada, Australia, Russia, and South Africa are some examples of commodity heavy countries that are strongly corrallated to China's economy). The US market is more expensive for a good reason, it has the best growth prospects right now.
There's global deflation going on right now, so even if the US raises rates they won't raise them by much and it will be very very slow, for at least a few years. China was driving most of the global growth story over the past decade, but that appears to be slowing down now. There's little to suggest were heading into inflation right now.
Long story short. Invest in the total stock market - global that is. Go 50:50 US:the rest of the world. You could tilt to emerging markets considering how much they've routed this year, their valuation is better.
In my equity exposure, I am 25% US market, 25% Ex-US market, 25% US small caps, 25% emerging markets.