I think the thing here is that if you bet against humanity (ie, everything's going to suck, short the market, stockpile gold and antibiotics and fertile women) historically you lose, even over 10,000+ years. There are some time periods when that doesn't happen but the really important risks to FIRE are IMO (in no particular order):
-Catastrophic climate change
-Nuclear/world war
-Asteroid impact
-Yellowstone erupts
-Various forms of political/economic stupidity triggered by idiot populist politicians of various types
There's also the chance that awesome technological advances (fusion power?) render everyone on earth FIRE because the goods required for life become cheap/free. Think about how different the world is today than it was when someone who is now 90 years old was born! They grew up without *electricity* or *antibiotics* or (for all practical purposes, especially outside the US/Europe) electronic communications of any kind!
You can't control or really plan for any of this in any meaningful way, so why not invest on the historically winning side - ie, optimistically? Worst case scenarios are exactly the same - the meteor falls on your head. Best case scenarios are all WAY better.