This week has been difficult but I still have resisted all temptations to buy stocks. This is 24 straight days without stock trading. I unblocked CNBC again but watching a lot less. I have a strong urge to buy bitcoin and Tesla stock today but went on a 4 mile jog to kill the urge. It doesn't make things easier with me leaving for a new job and I just got a huge lump sum check for unused vacation of $17,000. Seeing that much money deposited into my checking account is major temptation but I'm determined to keep it in my bank account as emergency fund.
Ok look, congratulations on your willpower holding up, but there are two things here.
Bitcoin has no fundamental value.... just because it is down 70% in 9 months does not make it cheap.
Tesla is guided by the whims of a man who has not shown a lot of mental stability in recent weeks.
Am a little curious as to why you think they are good investments, as to me this shows it is obvious why you lost $117k in the first place.
But first, if this is your emergency fund, go put it in a time deposit.