My Plan:
This year I will only make $32,000 in pretax income, so my plan will be a little different for next year, however, the for plan for this year is to invest the leftover money I have after expenses and taxes the following way ( 32,000 - 8,000(expenses) - 500 (taxes) = $23,500)
$2600 to max out HSA, will invest in VFIFX or VTSAX vanguard funds when I reach the minimum amount of $1000 to invest (work matches up to 700 dollars into my HSA account which is fully vested, unlike my 401k ) --> $20,900 left
$3000 to 401k into 80% Spartan index funds (15% small cap and 65% SP 500), 20% FA total bonds for full employer match of $1500, it vests on a graded scale ( 5 years of employment for 100% vestment, 20% after one year) --> $17,900 left
$5,500 to max out Roth Ira invested with $3000 VTSAX & $2500 VFIFX Vanguard funds. ----> $12,400 left Average Roth expenses = .17%
Rest ($12,400) into my 401k invested with same Asset allocation. Average 401k expenses ~ .25%
If I invest this way I think I can qualify for the Savers credit and get a $2000 tax credit since my AGI will be below $18000 this year, which should negate all my federal taxes, I also believe I will be able to qualify for earned income credit but that may only be a $400 dollar refundable tax credit. So the only taxes I anticipate having are State and FICA (~$500)
I am currently unsure what I should do with my Emergency fund of $8000 cash sitting in my .15% savings account, CDs maybe or is that too high of an Emergency fund to begin with my expenses, lack of dependents and steady income?(anyone have any helpful links to well articulated explanations to calculate adequate EF, and what you should invest in?)
Also next year I plan to invest the same way but switch to a Traditional IRA to lower my AGI further and after I max out my tax advantaged account put the extra money into a taxable VTSAX account. My only idea I have for saving money next year when my AGI climbs is to try to possibly take advantage of tax harvesting, do you guys have any other suggestions for lowering my taxes/maxing my take home?
Also after this year I plan on optimizing what kind of assets are in my different investment accounts (taxable all stock index funds, 401k/Roths have the International stocks/bonds) to take advantage of tax breaks.
I was able to figure this plan out so far thanks to articles written by Mr. MM, JCollins and the MadFIentist. I would really appreciate any financial wisdom you guys could impart to further improve my plan!!
Thanks for reading and your valuable feedback!