Maybe better to avoid extreme moves, but directionally skew new investment towards yield as you near FIRE date ?. (I guess this is common sense, most retirees are yield chasing!). Personally, I think it's good to have a portfolio of growth/dividend orientated stocks in both accumulation and post FIRE, rather than all one or the other. It might be hard to predict marginal tax rates too, e.g. you decide to work sporadically post-FIRE, your tax position can change substantially from year to year, but it's hard to shift your assets without CGT effects.
An example might be : if your accumulation phase AA is 50% oz index etf / 50% global index etf. In the five years before FIRE, perhaps you start investing fresh funds at 75/25% (oz/global) to increase the yield over growth orientation. If you want to go further, perhaps substitute the oz index etf for a high yield variety (e.g. VHY instead of VAS). As per potm, you need to consider it holistically though and understand such action is fundamentally changing your AA (oz vs global exposure), not just the tax aspect.