Here is probably another set of dumb questions:
I decided to sell a large parcel of shares in IOO ETF. I use Direct Shares' market depth to track the prices and quantities of buy and sell orders, plus the cost and amount of the last ten trades to get a feel for the way the market is trading at that time.
I put in my sell order for a certain price, and I can see it in line with the other sell orders. There seems to be someone selling over 6000 shares for a certain price and I wanted to get ahead of them and sell today as the total number of shares traded is usually about 11,000 to 15,000 per day, and it will take a while to sell 6000+ shares.
But some strange things (to me) seem to be happening. 6000 shares is worth about .75 million A$ - that's a lot! Then suddenly there is another 6000+ order ahead of me. These large amounts seem to jump in and out of the selling line. I know people can submit and cancel orders, but is someone playing silly buggers?
Also the speed at which they sell is not constant, so there might be up to 10 minutes without any trades. Then there will be a sale of 1 share? Who would sell or buy one share when the cost to trade would be prohibitive, or is this a way the ASX keeps things moving?
And I can't understand why trading takes place outside of trading hours. Suddenly after 4pm the shares jump in price? Also one would think yesterday's closing price would be today's opening price?