Hey Lush
I'm actually in a similar boat in that I'm looking at trying to get income from VAS, VGS as well as a Wholesale High Growth Fund to put food on the table and keep keeping the lights on.
Except that I went semi-FIREd without actually figuring it all out properly! Although it may be a prolonged sabbatical, with a return to some kind of work in the future.
I may do a case study of my situation when I get around to it. I probably need some advice from the ever helpful MMM hive mind to refine my strategy.
But one observation that I have noted since quitting work and I think worth sharing is that once you stop earning active income, you can become even more resourceful and imaginative in your frugality than you would have imagined - without necessarily impacting on your quality of life. I've discovered that it's far more enjoyable to live frugally, but have your own time and freedom to do whatever you want, than it is to work 9-5 and be able to buy whatever you want.
I think we all know this as we are all on this forum. But I mention it again because once you have the frugal habit down pat and you've forecast a reasonable amount of income to cover yourself, you may surprise yourself with how little of it you consume. And those savings, in turn, continue to grow your stash.
It's possible that I'm looking at the numbers more than most FIREd, as my quitting was somewhat unexpected and there was a sense of uneasiness about the pay checks ceasing. I may also be frugal with a capital F compared to others (no car, no kids, share housing).
I finished up work in April 2017, and before I did some sums and forecast a certain amount of passive income to cover according to the 4% rule. Due to my own frugal habits and (unexpected) increasing market returns, I'm currently living on around 54% of my theoretical passive income. When I pulled the plug I actually thought I would be living on around 75% -85% of theoretical passive income. I may consume more with a bit of travel in 2018, and my spending may get closer to 4%, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how much buffer I have. I certainly wasn't counting on it when I finished up with work.
Of course, if the market had sunk post Trump, I could well be exceeding my theoretical passive income. I was lucky I guess - which is actually the first time for me to be a beneficiary of overall market uplift.
So yes, keep working, saving. And maybe quit a little before you think you can actually afford to!!
Anyway, I meant to reply to post this link to the ASX 300 should you wish to do your own analysis each quarter.
https://us.spindices.com/indices/equity/sp-asx-300although it seems that the Vanguard report is pretty accurate so perhaps let them do it.