Looking to become a little more active on the forums, particularly with the Aus crowd as we have a slightly different context than the majority of the board (US [Europe?]). This thread seems particularly active! I hope I'm not being to misc with the below.
I completed my first purchase of an ETF today in VGS. I'll also be picking up another packet ($5k) of VAS come next week.
Looking at the short term SP, I only wish I completed this trade at the start of the year! VGS has had a nice run in 2017.
My background has been in gambling (see also: trying to pick stock myself :p ) and with some ridiculous luck, I've managed to come out quite profitable -- overall, double digit returns (including the losses I incurred). However, stock picking is stressful, risky and tends to mess with your personal confidence gauge on both sides of the scale.
While, I'll continue to allocate a very small portion of portfolio to some more speculative stock (maybe medicinal marijuana), my strategy will be focussing on ETF's for now. The next few months will see me most likely selling off my profitable stocks and re-investing back into VGS or VAS.
Current Assets
Cash: ~37% - 1 year of gross income. I'll be topping this up with around 30% of my 35% savings rate.
Shares: ~50% - As above, looking to consolidate into ETF's with 1 or 2 hand-picked stocks. Re-investment will be the remaining 70% of my 35% savings rate.
Bitcoin [BTC]: ~13% - Majority of this is profit, I did NOT invest 13% of my wealth in this.
Non-Current Assets
Super: ~35k - So far, I haven't mad any contributions to this. I'll be potentially swapping to AusSuper after reading this thread.
HECS:~25k - Debating on whether or not to pay outright, it doesn't seem like I get too much benefit from doing so.
To have 'fucash'. The ability to say 'f u' means not being a slave to a job, person, bank, or whatever *strictly due to money*.
I'm interested/work in Tech, and have been riding the BTC wave for a while now (since 2012). Ultimately, this is something I'll be keeping a close eye on as well as other cryptocurrencies.
Some fin-tech stuff in Aus interested me originally, but after much due dilligence, don't seem worth it. These were things such as AcornsAU [as opposed to buying ETFs] and Spaceship [marketed as a 'tech' Superannuation company].
Currently, property is not something I've explored as an <30 single person in Melbourne.
Today, I saved myself nearly $2k. I discontinued my $115/month Private Healthcover after much research (~$1.4k/year). I've also downgraded my phone plan to by $40 to $40/month ($480).
I can only hope that my choices are somewhat rational and that they pay off (literally) in the future.