Hello Mustachian Investors -
Yes, I know that allocations are very personal and specific to the goals of the individual but would like to get different points of views from all experience folks out there.
Before I got into FIRE and read "Simple Path to Wealth", I invested in index funds in 4 index funds (see distribution below). This index funds are very low cost, but not as low as VTSAX. I have been thinking a lot if this really makes sense or if I just invest everything in VTSAX from now onwards. I have been advocating the 1 index rule approach to all my friends that are starting to learn about investing.
Not sure if this mix would be worth the rebalancing and extra effort on distribution every time I have cash to invest. I am in accumulation phase and don't hold any bonds right now.
Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
FUSVX (large blend domestic) 58%
VSMAX (small blend domestic) 17%
FSIVX (large blend international) 20%
VWO (international emerging) 5%