The stock/bond weighting should be decided first. Basically deciding how much risk reduction you want by putting money into bonds/cash. After that, consider the various stock choices (cap size, market, etc) as sub-slices of the stock slice. IMO if one weighs say bonds and small cap stocks as equal peers in an allocation formula, that is fuzzing over the more important distinction of the weighing of stocks vs fixed income. An AA example : 80% stock, 20% bond. Within stock, 80% US, 20% World. Within US stock, 70% large cap, 20% midcap, 10% smallcap. Within world stock, 60% developed market, 40% emerging market. Within bond, 30% short term, 60% mid term, 10% cash. (Just picking some somewhat reasonable numbers out of the air to illustrate the method - your percentages may be different)
Otherwise the exact numbers you determine have so much to do with your personal risk tolerance, age, income and income growth potential, etc its difficult to offer specifics. I did agree with others that you probably want to raise your international stock % over the current 1% and also low compared to the US stock percentages given.