And, does the net expense ratio include the management, 12b-1, and administrative fees? Or are those separate?
When I've seen them listed in detail, they are usually the separate components of the expense ratio.
The 12b-1 fee takes your money and uses it for advertising to draw other customers. You are paying the marketing costs for the fund! They justify it by claiming you will benefit from more customers bringing economy of scale. I prefer to avoid funds that charge 0.25% 12b-1 fees, as there's many choices that charge 0%.
Note that very new ETFs may have a subsidized expense ratio. There may be a negative percent, in order to keep the expense at a fixed, lower amount. It's an example of the larger company subsidizing the fund until it attracts enough customers to justify it's expense ratio.
Are you looking at the fund prospectus? Online, I don't see any 3rd party websites that provide detail on the expense ratio (like Yahoo Finance, etfdb, morningstar). If there's a third party website that shows expense ratio details, I'd like to take a look at it.