Why change your strategy now? Did something fundamentally change?
The media and markets convinced me they couldn't predict COVID-19, while my predictions about it have worked. The markets are broken - just look at why the Fed intervened 3 times in one month. When that panic subsides, there won't be any opportunities.
Just because I do it, doesn't mean others should follow. My approach being 80% passively indexed, if anything, should tell you we're in 80% agreement for our portfolios. Similarly, I'm comfortable with 50/50 split of U.S. / international. That's too much for most people, and I typically suggest 20-40% international, even though my allocation is higher.
Why today when the market is up around 9%?
Do you stop dollar cost averaging when the market goes up +9%? I bought during a day the market was rising, just as most people do with dollar cost averaging.
Worldwide stock markets are down by 1/3rd. Historically markets return to normal. If you combine just that information, you can make a +50% profit. Purchase Vanguard Total World, literally the best diversification in the world, and earn +50%. Or markets never return to normal... and forums about early retirement are probably gone, too. :)
Keep in mind if stocks are at 67% of prior levels, multiplying by 1.09 boosts stocks back to 73%, or only a +6% gain relative to their original levels. And if I bought in before +9% (I did), it's an even smaller gain relative to normal.