Good day all! I’ve been following the website and the forum for a while now (lurking), and there’s a lot of very sharp people in here. I’d like to get your thoughts on my old 401K.
There’s a couple things I don’t really quite understand:
1. I’m really liking Betterment, I like the hands-off auto balancing approach. If I were to roll over into an IRA, am I opening myself up to risk / liability? For example if I got sued for some reason, car wreck, medical bills? I don’t have any of that going on now, but my understanding is it’s safe from creditors in the 401K.
2. I could roll it over into my new 401K, I can’t quite wrap my mind around this though (or rolling over anywhere): The largest portion of my holdings were purchased when the market was much lower. Would I not in effect, be selling all the holdings I bought cheap for similar holdings that are very expensive? Can’t quite get this concept.
3. If I do roll over, is it a good idea to do it in stages? Or just dump it in all at once to my desired allocation?
Any insight would be appreciated. I’ve got about 15 years or so to work if things go right... if not then closer to 20.
Thanks in advance!