Thank you for your input. I'm about to roll over my 403b from my current employer who always kept everything in a Targeted Date Retirement Fund, and I never bothered to research it. I have to be more proactive now.
Don't worry. Effective retirement fund investing is actually boring. Financiers and bankers are good at putting different pretty bows on pretty much the same old things. People argue about what amounts to 1 or 2 percentage points, which is nothing compared to how much a person risks by not putting money into a retirement account to begin with.
The Target Date Retirement Funds are not bad. They have a prebuilt mix. You'd have to read the prospectus to see what the mix is. No one goes broke sinking a ton of money into Target Date fund, so don't beat yourself up over it.
Personally, I am 31 and I am in 100% stocks right now. I spent a few years with bonds in the mix, and was somehow surprised that I could never beat the S&P 500. It caused me serious distress. So my strategy was simply to move to a S&P 500 index fund. It suits my personality well to know that my portfolio's performance
is the benchmark. And I pay practically no money to a fund manager for the privelege. I have a more volatile portfolio than I did with a bond mix and yet I am less stressed because of it. I probably will stay 100% stocks all through my 30s.
You are searching for what works for you, and you need to be ok sticking to what works for you when you find it, because there will always be someone with a supposedly better idea. Your growing 'stache should be a source of security and joy, not stress.