As usual, with the current market volatility I've started to think more about my asset allocation. Typically when the market dips I try to confirm that I haven't taken on too much risk, but now I am starting to think that I might be waaaay too conservative, depending on how my overall assets are viewed.
Age: 33
Total Assets: ~$1.5M
Cash: $45k
Home Equity: $300k (generates $12k annual rent)
VA Pension: Valuing at $250k ($8500 annual income, tax-free, adjusts for inflation)
VBMFX: $120k
Stocks (Index Funds, Small Cap/Tech tilt): $800k
As you can see, my bond allocation is only about 15% of my liquid assets. However, when adding in the value of my pension and home equity, it dawned on me that I only have about 50% of my total assets invested in stocks - which seems really low. I would be interested to hear any others' perspectives...would you be inclined to carry less cash/bonds in such a scenario? I still consider myself at least 3-5 years away from FIRE.