Age 49, single, no kids, house paid off, Expenses = $20k/yr.
FiRED at age 47.
$150k is all after tax $. I don't need it to FiRE. It's my cushion.
I got out when VTSAX (Vanguard Total Market fund) was at $60.50.
my plan was to wait till the market re-tests the recent bottom, which is DOW @18.5k.
well, the Dow is now at 24k.
I missed the April rise, where the Dow had the best month in about 25years.
VTSAX is currently at $69, a 15% gain from when I left. :(
I'm tired of waiting and want to get back in.
What's the best plan of doing it with $150k?
Buy in with 1 lump sum?
Dollar cost avg (DCA)?
If DCA, over what time period?
$15k/week for 10 weeks?
$15k/month for 10 months?
$15k every other month over 20 months? (1yr 8 months)
With 150k cash, at what interval would you buy into the Total Market fund?