We’ve just had our first rain of the last fortnight so that’s very exciting for my poor garden. The tomatoes and tomatillos have only just started flowering - but everyone in my area is reporting that it’s been a bad year for tomatoes. Which has been starting some real *glasshouse?* thoughts in my brain.
Meanwhile the beans are going great guns - I am picking a handful morning and night. My greatly reduced from last year summer squash at giving me a couple a day, and the pickling cucumbers are having a ball. I was the idiot who didn’t separate the pickling cucumbers from the long salad cucumbers so I have been quick pickling them all.
Pumpkins and winter squash are forming up. Strawberries are finishing.
I did just plant some pakchoi, mesclun seedlings and some green beans and having some thoughts about planting Chinese cabbage, shallots, more leeks and some garlic seeds. Maybe some shooting broccoli.
Overall, I think that the size of our beds is about right and that any more planting should be flowers and shrubs. Oh and my plot to use strawberries to battle the buttercup was a really good plan!