I made my first sourdough loaf over the weekend. Mistakes were made:

1. I used 110 degree water to mix the dough like I would with active dry yeast. I think this may have weakened my starter since the micro-organisms are probably not used to that... I think I probably should have stuck to somewhere between 70-85 degrees...?
2. I didn't see any warnings or didn't know that the dough is supposed to be very wet (I blame the bad instructions on the recipe I used, lol), so when I tried to knead it, I added flour. Oops... Also, I probably shouldn't have tried to knead it how I would with 'normal' bread anyway.
3. I underbaked it with time and possibly temperature (450 F and then 400 F), so it came out a bit gummy even though I let it cool for a really long time. Also, I think my dutch oven lost heat because while I was trying to slash the bread, I took a few minutes too long because the knife wasn't very sharp.
4. The recipe called for bread flour I think so I don't know if that changed anything.
I let it rise for 24 hours at room temperature before baking and it didn't double... It barely got any bigger even though it was quite warm... I was expecting a dense bread due to the mistakes so I was surprised to see any holes. Overall, it did taste good and all and it wasn't a bad experiment, but I can't wait to try it again this week! I also got rye flour and whole wheat berries so I'm excited to feed those to my starter and see how it changes. Next time I want to do a rye/whole wheat/all-purpose flour mix.
I also used sourdough discard in banana bread and it was very good, but I wasn't trying to let it ferment the batter or anything. Next up: Sourdough pancakes!