Dear MMM sourdough baking enthusiasts,
I am so delighted to find this thread!
Having recently reached FI and moved to halftime employment, I decided to celebrate by making my own sourdough starter and learning to bake sourdough bread (I'm originally from San Francisco and miss the access to outstanding sourdough bread terribly). But after a few weeks of failure, I'm hoping to get some insights on what I might be doing wrong. I got the starter going pretty successfully, using organic whole wheat flour to start and feeding it proportionally for about five or six days to good bubbly, rising effects. But then when I tried to make the loaf, I just couldn't get it to rise. I tried this a couple of times, each time leaving it to rise for longer and longer (on the counter, two risings, the first in a plastic, covered bowl, the second in a banneton proofing basket, covered with plastic one time, linen the next). But I've been getting virtually no rise at all on either a first or second try. So here's my question: Is the problem possibly that I am trying to bake bread in winter in the Great Lakes region and we keep our very old, drafty house quite cool because my husband, son and I all love cool temperatures? The thermostat is set around 62-65F during the day and 59F at night. Is this sabotaging my sourdough risings? Do any of you cook in houses this temperature and get your sourdough loves to rise?