One thing I like about the NZ government pension system (confusingly, for an Australian, named "superannuation") is that it isn't means-tested, unlike the Australian Age Pension.
This means it is paid out to all who are eligible regardless of how much they gain from paying jobs, investment, savings, and what other properties they own. So it's an additional income stream rather than just a safety net. If you couple an NZ pension with say a hefty stock portfolio and some bonds, you can have an extremely safe stream of retirement income, higher than what you could get from the Australian Age pension if you fail the means test.
Currently it's NZD $706.50 minimum per fortnight for singles. Apparently adjusted periodically taking into account inflation. Fully taxable. But still, not bad for a safe income stream that doesn't depend on your wealth.
Long-term, if Australians see 30+ years of inflation eroding purchasing power and stagnation in the stock/property market, while the means testing brackets stay the same, we might look enviously on our kiwi neighbours.