Hi Everyone!
I am living a very frugal life, and enjoy it. I found MMM and EM after I had already been living this way for a few years, and I was basically searching for other people like me (because I was so sick of being called cheap!).
MMM and EM provided the butt-kicking I needed to take my frugality to a higher level. However, there is one area where I am consistently struggling to cut back. I go out every weekend with my girlfriends, sometimes 1 night, sometimes both nights. We live in Boston, so the costs are already pretty high. I generally get 1-2 drinks, and some food, and my bill comes in between $20-$30. So I'm spending anywhere from $20-$60 a weekend depending on how many nights I go out. Sometimes we do other things, or go to cheaper places, but generally it involves some sort of eating-drinking event. I would say a realistic estimate of what I'm spending is about $100-150 a month.
I don't have the living situation where I can invite friends home with me, but there are a lot of other cheaper options we could do (get a bottle of wine and go to their house, get sandwiches and beers and go to the beach, take a hike) but my friends don't seem to be interested in those options. We are in our early twenties, 2 years out of college, and I understand that for them, this is their life-enjoyment, and their way to blow off steam. My friends (most of my peers actually) seem to be terrible with their money, but I stay out of it because it's not my business, and I'm more interested in my own money situation anyway :)
The problem is that while we're having a great time, half of my brain is thinking I JUST SPENT $8 ON VODKA WITH SPRITE. SOMEBODY SHOOT ME! And it kind of ruins the evenings for me, because I walk home from the train feeling like a giant MMM failure. I've thought of quitting cold turkey, and not going out with my girlfriends anymore, but that's a hard choice to make, and it feels like I would be limiting future friendships as well - has anyone noticed how attached people are to spending money!? Also, it can be socially awkward to explain not wanting to spend money when my friends know that I'm very financially comfortable. But I've kept going out with them, because they're my support group, my main social connection from college, and it feels like it's important for me to get out of the house and have some girl-time on a weekly basis. I don't want to lose that, but frugality is equally important to me.
Here are the basic stats. My expenses are very low because I split everything with my boyfriend, so I'm giving a rough estimate, since we each move $400 a month into our joint account and it covers everything with a little leftover.
Monthly Income (after-tax): $2000
Monthly Commission (before tax): $150
Monthly expenses (rent, car insurance, groceries, gas, utilities, health insurance, weight watchers, phone bill): $400
Eating out with my friends: $100-150 (AHHHHHHHH! That number is SO big)
Student loans, credit card debt, other debt: $0
Car (2001 honda civic): $4100 bought with cash.
Obviously, I know that I need to start socializing in a way that's more comfortable to me, and I do have some plans in the work for that -- but I would love to hear how all of you handle this dilemma (or other similar dilemmas), and just to discuss the social aspect of frugality, especially when you're in your twenties where a certain type of going out is expected.