Author Topic: Career & Other Advice for a Young Guy  (Read 1225 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Career & Other Advice for a Young Guy
« on: September 12, 2019, 09:56:38 AM »
I've been on a little bit of an search lately, both financially & career-wise. To break it up, I am not sure what I want my career to be in (although I know I want to own my own business one day) and because I am unsure, I think traveling and trying new experiences may be the best way to find out what I want? However, traveling is expensive, and if I travel I cannot save money (other than my 12% 401k contributions which isn't enough to FIRE).

I am 24 years young and working in Financial Operations (Trust & Investments) and do not see myself here forever, but not sure which direction to take next. I am playing the corporate 'waiting' game until my team lead leaves to which I have been told I get that spot. My question is, is the sacrifice for leadership experience worth the short term sacrifice than making more money or should I just jump ship now? My work-life balance is great. I work from home once per week (which is often times very similar to a vacation day) and find myself with nothing to do often.

From a both personal fulfilment & career perspectives, what are thoughts, opinions, recommendations, etc?


  • Bristles
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Re: Career & Other Advice for a Young Guy
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2019, 11:21:46 AM »
I've been on a little bit of an search lately, both financially & career-wise. To break it up, I am not sure what I want my career to be in (although I know I want to own my own business one day) and because I am unsure, I think traveling and trying new experiences may be the best way to find out what I want? However, traveling is expensive, and if I travel I cannot save money (other than my 12% 401k contributions which isn't enough to FIRE).

I am 24 years young and working in Financial Operations (Trust & Investments) and do not see myself here forever, but not sure which direction to take next. I am playing the corporate 'waiting' game until my team lead leaves to which I have been told I get that spot. My question is, is the sacrifice for leadership experience worth the short term sacrifice than making more money or should I just jump ship now? My work-life balance is great. I work from home once per week (which is often times very similar to a vacation day) and find myself with nothing to do often.

From a both personal fulfilment & career perspectives, what are thoughts, opinions, recommendations, etc?

It sounds like you're in a good position with your career. 24 is young to be on track for a leadership role.

I would suggest taking some time to think about what is important to you in a job, make a list, and then find a field that fits. For example, a few years ago I left a career in finance for one in tech. I wanted more responsibility, less hierarchy, the flexibility to work remotely, and the chance to build something new. Find what's important to you, and then match the career.

Overall, you're still young and have a lot of time to find your perfect job. It's good to start thinking about this early but don't put too much pressure on yourself to have it all figured out right away. You'll find it.