Author Topic: Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?  (Read 2809 times)


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Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:04:47 PM »
Hey guys,

Any ideas on what I should make with several months old frozen Ahi/Yellowfin? I have a few more fillets left. I've discovered it doesn't hold very well for raw dishes. I tried making ahi poke the other night and it was OK fresh but didn't last longer than a day in the fridge without being all chalky-tasting and unappetizing. Shouldn't have used the loin for that either...what a waste SMH.

Should I just do a quick sear on them and leave them raw in the middle?


  • Bristles
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Re: Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2015, 06:16:51 PM »
You could try searing them.

If you think they are too far-gone for that, I sometimes use them (seared first) in a tuna casserole. I don't do my tuna casserole with heavy creamy sauces, it tends to be a lighter style of dish and the fresh tuna tastes pretty decadent in it.

Another option would be to use the seared tuna in a dip. I've done that with leftover smoked tuna and it was great.


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Re: Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 11:51:27 AM »
I was using up leftovers and made these last week and they were GREAT.

Baja tuna spring rolls.

First make a dill sauce.
1/4 cup mayo
Handful chopped fresh dill
1 dill pickle spear diced
1 tsp celery salt

Dice one avocado

Cube tuna and fry lightly in olive oil for about 2 minutes

Coarsely chop lettuce.

place 1 tbsp. dill sauce on a tortilla (I used flour)
1 tbsp. avocado. 2 spoonful's of tuna and lettuce. Roll up cut in half and close with toothpicks.
You can eat them that way, but I ended up warming them about 5 minutes in the toaster oven and they were even better!

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Re: Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 12:27:37 PM »
I froze a bunch of yellowfin and blackfin tuna after a fishing trip.  I was still cooking it after a year or so.  We'd cook it on the charcoal grill just until all the translucence was gone then eat it like any other grilled fish.  Any leftovers where turned into the best tuna salad I have ever put in my mouth!   


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Frozen (several months) Ahi/Yellowfin Tuna?
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 01:16:29 PM »
I froze a bunch of yellowfin and blackfin tuna after a fishing trip.  I was still cooking it after a year or so.  We'd cook it on the charcoal grill just until all the translucence was gone then eat it like any other grilled fish.  Any leftovers where turned into the best tuna salad I have ever put in my mouth!

Yeah, I was thinking defrost overnight in fridge, sear on grill or stovetop and top with some type of homemade sauce/ chutni of which you could choose between about 5000 options online and you should find it to be very good.  Sushi grade fish needs to be handled a certain way.  Once you take possession of it I would suggest using it within a couple of days.


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