Long time reader! I am 28, female, I've just recently relocated to SoCal 4 months ago to work as a Federal employee after quitting a PhD program. I'm finally settled in the area, purchased my CL furniture, found a roommate, passed a smog check, etc. I like my job so far but it is a bit early for me to figure out if I'm going to want to stay here long term, or I'm going to want to relocate back to New England Area to be close to family. LA is a very different place! I've started putting money into TSP, but I'm having trouble trying to figure out where I should allocate my savings? Retirement, new (used) car, or house?
Here is my breakdown.
20k in savings, 3k in checking
1k in TSP (allocated 20% of paycheck to TSP, 15% in L050, 5% in Roth, govt matches up to 5%)
Income: 65k (pay grade increase to 77k next January, go up by pay-steps for a while, verbal assurance to get to GS-13 (92k) position within 5-10 years.
Paycheck breakdown
$2500 (gross) every two weeks
$375 TSP tax deferred
125 TSP Roth
740 Health insurance, taxes, Medicare, FERS, etc
Remaining paycheck $1260 (net), monthly $2520 (+ 2 extra checks a year)
Monthly Expenses
Rent: $1100 (share apartment with roommate, walking distance to work).
Food: $200
Eating out: $50-100
Gas: $20 (drive car to mall or grocery shopping weekly)
Gym: $15/month
Car Insurance $50/month
Gas + Electric $30/month
Internet $45/month
Other (300/month) Facepunch - this category includes clothes, renting a surfboard, haircut, makeup, etc. I am still building a professional wardrobe but I should be able cut this out slowly.
No cell phone bill
Yearly Expenses
PO Box - 80 dollars a month
1200 flights to New England area twice a year
Currently, I'm putting 15% in TSP and 5% in Roth. I'm thinking about jumping it up to meet the 18k limit. I don't really understand Vanguards, but anyone thinks Vanguard is better than TSP, let me know. Houses run about 500k+ here, probably going to be higher before I actually have the down payment ready. I am not sure if my savings should be allocated to retirement or house down payment? Is it actually more wise to rent indefinitely?
Buying a house here seems like it might depends on my personal life. It seems more financially possible with an employed partner. After a few years, I'm considering relocated back to a lower cost of living area, but I'm already getting a bit attached to the nice weather here!
Within the next 2 years, I'd like to get a "newer" used car as the car I own is a is a hand-me-down from my parents. It is fine for driving around town for groceries but it isn't safe for the aggressive CA highway driving. Not having a more reliable car seems to be affecting my willingness participate in social events a bit which worries me as I'd like to meet a life partner.
And lastly, as a millennial who might never get married, I am not exactly sure what my FIRE goals are anymore. I feel a little lost with the possibility that I might never have a family to nurture and support. I guess I could foster or adopt kids? I'm starting to feel a bit unmotivated regarding financial goals since I can't really see very far into my future. I do participate in work social events and volunteer - it just happens that my age demographic is not really in this part of LA and I'm not really willing to drive on the highway with my current vehicle. Public transportation is a no-go for me.
I'm almost thinking about buying a house in upstate NY (close to family), paying a mortgage, and committing to relocating in 3-5 years with hopes of finding work when I relocate.
Thank you for any thoughts you have!