True statement, AJ, about the 1 kid versus 20 thing. If you're those people on tv that have 19 or something, you can disregard that. It's long before you hit the double digits that you could revise that plan. I do, however, think that those guidelines makes some sense in terms of flexibility. As a single person, if I find myself unemployed for a while, I have more options than I might be comfortable with if I had kids. I can move into a shared living situation more easily, pick up and move across the country more easily, even crash on a sofa for a while if push came to shove.*
Believe me, my family went through a period of extended under/unemployment while I was a kid and I know it'll suck regardless, but being able, for instance, to keep your kid in the same school til the holidays can go a long way towards keeping their life from being utterly miserable. In our case, the extra funds meant that when one parent got a job on the opposite coast from where we were, we could finance two (small, shared with family) households for the short term so that my sister and I weren't uprooted in the middle of the year (again) for a contract job that might not renew. A single person could've taken the mid-term contract with the big move to get back into employment without consideration for the family. You don't have to consider it, and it's certainly better to uproot the kids than have the family out on the street because you wouldn't, but a proportionally larger emergency fund for a family can prevent a bad situation from becoming dire.
So that's my overly long explanation for what I may do in a nebulous future where I have kids based on one blogger I don't read much anymore and fuzzy memories from my own childhood :).
I'll be the first to admit that I don't understand LOCs. I thankfully have not had to get one, but I was under the impression that you didn't just take one out and sit on it. Do you? Is it something that you can just call them and say 'on the basis of my current situation, will you guarantee that I'll have funds available if I'm suddenly hit by an emergency at some time in the future?" If that's the case, then I probably will look into it - I presumed the rules were different when you couldn't offer much in the way of collateral.
*For that matter, even pets can complicate things and might warrant some consideration. It doesn't matter how much I love you and would like to offer you a place in hard times, if you've got a cat, it can't stay here.