What do you mean by "never get tempted by looking at the house"?
It's easy to feel a price is reasonable if you fall in love with a specific house.
Ah, I see...so basically don't look at any houses outside of the set budget.
I watch a lot of HGTV and am always thinking to myself, "How are these people okay with seeing these houses that are like 15% outside of their max budget?" If it were me I would refuse to look lol. Actually I would be fairly upset if I made it clear to any realtor the amount I didn't want to go over and they tried to showed me anything higher than that.
Mostly because the people on HGTV have already bought their house... the houses they look at are just for TV.
When we bought our first house our budget was $135,000. The seller countered our offer with $137,000, and my husband was going to walk away for the $2,000. (At the time- it made a difference to us- I didn't yet have a job, DH was a grad student, and when we set the line in the sand, we meant it.) So the next time we went house shopping, with a $300,000 budget, our realtor actually wasn't going to show us a new construction (thus, no negotiating price) - the floor plan we liked elsewhere but rejected due to location in a much better location that was $305,000 - because he remembered when we budgeted, we meant it; he asked before taking us, if we were sure we were okay with it. We did actually end up with that house, not quite 2% over budget...
In this case though, we went over budget because we had already 'fallen' for the floor plan. We could have easily spent double on the house though, so the 2% wasn't a huge deal for us; but budget is budget, so it did hurt just a little!