I'm new to the forums, and I love this thread!
Welcome to the forums, and I love your username!
Today, I finished clearing out the last of last year's garden pots, and re-planted them. I still have a couple of plants to deal with, and am trying to figure out a plan that doesn't involve buying any more pots!
Another thing I did is to stay home. It's a stat holiday today, so I thought about going out and about, but decided to be a homebody instead. Even when someone from work called, and wanted me to go in, I held off and we problem-solved instead and came up with a solution that didn't involve me leaving the house. Yay! Gas saved.
I also cooked a tasty dinner of brown rice, and lentils with cabbage and potato. A little bit of the rice went into the dog's food bowl, as a relatively cheap and healthy way to get my fussy dog to eat all his dinner. I still had cabbage left, and that head of cabbage has been lingering in my fridge for way too long. So I made another pot with chickpeas, cabbage and potato, with a different set of spices. Some of each will be frozen. Lunch was a mishmash put together based on some food I got sent home with yesterday, but it was tasty too. One part of it was a savoury muffin, along with some cheese. I like savoury baked goods :-)