-- Its 11:30 here, and I'm feeling pretty productive already :)
-- Made coffee this morning with a cheaper brand of coffee beans. DH seems to be less enthused, but I don't notice TOO much of a difference. Either way, we will use up the 2 lb bag before trying another kind, so for a few weeks our morning brews will be a cheaper expense at least.
-- Rescued our sheets and comforter last night after DH's particularly nasty cut opened back up while he was making the bed. Its several days, old, and he thought it was good without the bandage. A dozen cotton swabs and several applications of hydrogen peroxide took care of every bloody mark...whew!
-- Listed a couple of household items on a buy and sell page last night and I am meeting to sell a large, bulky roaster this afternoon.
-- We are having dinner at a friends house tonight and I offered to bring something. She said dessert, so I made homemade brownies this morning from pantry items.
-- DH was craving pizza (again!), but while I baked the brownies, I fixed up finger food plates of sliced cheese, pepperoni, crackers, and misc berries and the last few scoops of cottage cheese. Stomachs filled, potential spending abated...