Lol, I hate those fucking PG&E letters. Our house is a custom built infill in an area of mostly very much older homes. We keep our heat at 62 degrees and have energy efficient appliances. We have never run our A/C more than five times (i.e. 5 days total) per summer. Every single letter rates our consumption as "Good", yet far worse than nearby energy efficient houses. WTF? We are the energy efficient house in the neighborhood! Our best guess is they're comparing us to houses that have solar. Yeah, we'd have to start that process by spending tens of thousands chopping down the Redwood trees that surround our house...
No answers for you, just a little friendly neighborhood kvetching.
Oh yeah, here's the real reason for my post: modern water heaters have internal insulation and do not need blankets. Further, by CA Building Code water heaters must be securely strapped to the walls. It's not really possible to zip them into cute little jackets any more, even if they worked. Ours recently shit the bed. DH did exhaustive research on all the alternatives...and we ended up replacing like for like, as it was by far the least expensive option for our situation. At least he did the work himself. Thank goodness, because connecting the recirc pump involved multiple calls to The Netherlands, I kid you not.