Driving slowly 60mph on 80mph...
So you're a road block for other drivers?
This is dangerous and not something to advocate.
Min two lanes, so they can overtake easily (left = faster, here in EU. But it is not faster by law, just by unwritten "law" among peple). I am not overtaking trucks at 60mph, if so - I always check space behind me, on average, once per 10second. Trust me, I am not a roadblock, I can handle it as you would not even notice me on the road ;)
I am also willing to go 55 on 50 (general roads between small cities), but not faster.
But here, in my country, Slovakia (or Czech, Checkia, thats north neighbor) , there are tremendously lot fools who are pushing in city limit 30mph like 40mph, that is too much, I'm willing to go 35. Thats why I would love to buy Ford F650 - they would not suck my a** or tailgate me under like 5 yards.. What is dangerous.
You NEVER know, what I am shipping. Whether it is my family, or small kid, or simply a soup or cake from my grandmom, and I do not want to spill it all over the cabin. That is why I hate superheroes aka tailgators - my password is "if you want to overtake, just do, i will move to right as much as possible" - if you don't dare, then do not tailgate. Having a small car with 260bhp, I strongly believe this rule is fair for both sides.