-Once per month, my book club gets together. We all live across a fairly large area and rotate where we host it. Next month, the furthest person from me is hosting. I already set up with another friend so that I'll drive half way to her house, then three of us will all carpool from there. May even pick up a fourth member on the way if she wants to meet at a center point.
-Neighbor saw my husband taking out our latest Imperfect Produce box to the recycling. Said he just got an email from them that they'll start collecting and reusing the boxes. So Husband brought the box back, and we'll hold onto it until we find out if they're taking ours back too, or whether it's some sort of pilot program the other guy is in. Should know by Thursday.
-While it's a budget loss for us, I realized not being near a Costco anymore definitely reduces our plastic use. Especially when we buy meat- at costco, not only is it not well sourced, it's in a lot of plastic (and prone to leaking, so ends up in MORE plastic). Whereas if we buy from the butcher counter, it gets paper wrapped. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me before that buying the 'tray pack' meat by the butcher counter at the store uses a lot more plastic than the paper wrapped meat when you get it from the counter! But I'm going to start doing that. Fairly easy change to make, and it's not like the 'tray' wrapped meat can be frozen that way anyway! Or even prevents leaks well. There's also a plastic decrease for produce- cucumber are the example that come to mind. Costco wraps their 3 pack hothouse cucumbers individually in plastic sleeves, then puts all 3 in another sleeve. So many layers of plastic!