I'm also on the (way) high end compared to the other responses. Average last year was $4,255 per month. Family of 4 in Philly suburbs. Or whatever is between suburbs and boonies.
Sometimes I want to post a case study, but I know I'd just get defensive about valuing things like our family Y membership and private school tuition, the fact that we have 2 cars and DH has a motorcycle, we pay for swim lessons, average $71 a month on gifts, eat out to the tune of $226/month, etc. But we do okay- got the basics of frugality going- no pay TV, cheap cell plans, no student loans, no consumer debt, older (04 & 05) cars, no car loans, maxing out 401K, Roths, saving some on top of that.
Broken down by our YNAB categories:
Rent/Mortgage 1,200
Tuition & Fees 731 (We have two more years of tuition, about $16K total, before both are in public school...)
Groceries 429
Car Repairs & Maintenance 336
Fuel 277
Restaurants 226
YMCA Membership 110
Travel 94
Car Insurance ($535/biannually for 2 cars, +$78 for DH's motorcycle) 93
Electricity 80
Quarterly Water/Sewer/Trash Bill 77
Gifts 71
Medical 66
Natural Gas 65
Kids' Activities 62
Hidden Categories 46 (replaced our mattress this year)
Clothing 46 (DH lost wedding band, cost $250 to replace- we wanted identical style, but got 10K gold instead of 14K)
Internet 41
Entertainment 41
Christmas 36
DH's Life Insurance ($348/yr) 31
My Life Insurance ($319/yr) 29
Household Goods 23
Charitable 20
Hobbies 13
Renter's Insurance ($135/yr) 11
Home Maintenance 1
Total Expenses 4,255
So that's 51K for the year. Without tuition it would be $42K, which I think sounds more reasonable for a family of 4. But I see this is like monster budget compared to other posters. Maybe I should post a case study for a bit of face-punching motivation.