This has been a huge issue for me to overcome, believe it or not. When I was 10 years old, I watched a TV special about food spoilage and it has really stuck with me (I am in my mid-30s now!). I will spare you the details, but leftover rice is scary stuff! Because of this, I have had a strict 3 day rule, but in practice it was more of a 2 day rule because leftovers just freaked me out. But over the last 6 months I have made an effort to expand this, and I am now sorta mildly "comfortable" eating leftovers 5 days out. Nothing horrible has happened yet. I also freeze things if I think it will be more than 2 days before I can eat it. For some reason, freezing food that is already 5 days old seems like a bad idea. This is not based in science.