thanks life_travel, we thought about selling and getting something smaller and a little closer to family and friends, but the closer we get to them, the higher the cost for homes and the crummy'er and older it gets, unless you're willing to pay a large sum for a re-built.
Car wise, I think I'd take about a $5k loss, maybe more?
As for the fiancee, she's 28 - maybe she'll get prego's during the year away? I am wanting children but we also want to be in a good spot financially so we can provide for them without worry. I wouldn't be opposed to having children while living abroad. Maybe even find a job where ever we end up?
I would love to take a sabbatical, however, as mentioned, I am not liking the place I'm working right now and the higher ups management style is not conducive to growing and learning, let alone just doing the work properly. It feels like a high school environment and favoritism runs rampant at least on the project I'm on, and seems like the same on other projects from people I've talked to.
Wanderin1 - I am pretty tolerant to peoples behaviors, but when they directly affect me and my work it takes a toll. Especially when most try and pull power and rank over what actually needs to be completed. I'm sure it happens in every work place, but to date, this has been the absolute worse I've been in. Good idea on doing consultancy, I've never done that on my own, and am a little afraid to do that. Do you have any pointers on how to start off?