Author Topic: Travel vs. mustachian values?  (Read 3684 times)


  • Walrus Stache
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Travel vs. mustachian values?
« on: March 19, 2013, 03:07:46 PM »
Is significant amounts of travel anti-mustachian?  Is "consuming" an experience inherently less face-punch worthy than consuming Big Macs, lattes, and jet skis?

DH and I recently moved to Europe, where we will be for a limited time.  We are loving it, and loving taking advantage of the opportunity to see other cultures and places about which we've only read. In addition to the enjoyment, I feel like we are becoming better citizens of the world from all that we are seeing and learning and the people we are interacting with. For some elements of the trips, we are very budget conscious (transportation and, for the most part, accommodations, for example), but when it comes to where to go or how often to travel, there are no limits.  We have no debt, excepting a home mortgage and an income property mortgage, and we are satisfied with the progress on our retirement savings.  But I'm aware that we are *spending*, and that we are burning fossil fuels as we drive, fly, or take a train to London or Paris or Vienna or Prague.

So, what do you all think?  Am I earning a punch in the face (or even a cheek slap)?  Do you travel a lot?  How do you feel travel aligns with frugal values?


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Travel vs. mustachian values?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 03:29:56 PM »
I think that as long as you are being deliberate in your choices and aligning them with your values you should be doing well. Given you are satisfied financially looking for experiences is not a terrible thing. Just realize it is a luxury especially if you do not have any limits on the frequency of said travel.

The only punches you can deliver are to yourself. Do you feel your situation deserves one?

No I don't travel a lot. Once every two or three years.

I think travel aligns well with frugal values because travel can be done frugally. Any activity short of shopping sprees and using $100 dollar bills to smoke cigars wrapped with $1000 dollar bills can be done in a frugal manner.

All my take on Mustachianism boils down to mindful spending and constantly evaluating your actions and decisions to make sure they are moving you towards your goals. Sometimes those goals are FIRE, sometimes they are traveling to experience the world, sometimes they are to learn new skills.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Travel vs. mustachian values?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 05:38:40 PM »
Depends on why you're doing it.  If it's because you are engaging in conspicuous consumption - e.g. my friends' kid and her spouse who decided to hold their wedding in Cancun, or flying to the latest exotic destination just because it's hip - then yes, you need an anti-Mustachian facepunch.  But if you really enjoy it... Well, what the heck are you saving all that money for, anyway?


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Travel vs. mustachian values?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 08:33:30 PM »
I think you can be frugal even if you're buying Big Macs, lattes, and jet skis. The main point is, are you spending in line with your values?

I realize that most people buying Big Macs, lattes, and jet skis are NOT spending in line with their values. In that case, figurative face punch needed. I also realize that SOME people buying Big Macs, lattes, and jet skis ARE spending in line with their values. So be it; as long as they're not going into mountains of debt, no face punch needed.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Travel vs. mustachian values?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 11:58:09 PM »
I'd say see how the travel expenses affect your mustachian goals.  Travel is my passion, been to about 30 countries in the past decade or so.  Travel can be done frugally.  Mustachianism has many common values, but everyone has their own unique nuances.  Take advantage of the limited time you're in Europe in my opinion.  I rationalize my current travel by comparing the travel costs now to what it would have cost me to make these trips from my "home".  I've explored the GCC countries only because I'm currently working in this part of the world, if I weren't living and working here I wouldn't fork over the cash because the cost is just too high to visit otherwise.  Are the travel expenses worth the impact it could have on your goal of FI?  For me it is, for DH and you, that's something for you two to decide.