This is in follow up to the below thread: I did it...I approached my boss about working remotely full time and she supports it. To summarize my situation I've been living in Chicago for 4.5 years now and I've been with my current company for going on 3. I commute 4 hours 4 days a week and work from home 1 day per week. The little bit of family I have and my friends are all in the south (ATL mostly; mom is in SC). I'm moving back to Atlanta and targeting the month of March.
So it's time to move yet again...and this time my cousin (she's like my sister) who lives in Atlanta has approached me about us rooming together. I'm open and do see it as a potential opportunity to save some money. I've been looking at apartments in the $1100ish range. If we room together, she stated her max in rent would be $800. I agreed the same for me. So that's a potential savings of ~$300.
The obvious pro is the savings but I haven't had a roommate in over a decade and I'm wondering if it will be worth it for us. She seems pretty eager for us to do this and I am open to the idea but here are my hesitations:
-I'm just not 100% sure $300/month is worth the savings for me. I say that because I also wanted to pet sit when I move, which I wouldn't do if we room together. If we don't room together it's more likely I could do this and make up some if not most of that $300 anyway.
-I will be home now that I'll be working from home. I think we might get tired of each other. That could potentially lead to spending a little more time out, which could eat into that $300/month savings. In a perfect world we would both be disciplined enough to avoid this.
-Sometimes I get a little annoyed with her mom's ways (my aunt). My aunt already told my cousin 'we need to have 3 bedrooms as she visits often'...which she does. But that's an issue as I'm not willing to get a 3rd bedroom for primarily that reason. My cousin is saying "I" would mostly need it to work in but...I'm not 100% sold on paying a higher price for a 3rd bedroom when I currently work from my bed/living area/etc now. (A little background aunt is paying about half of my cousin's rent right now so I'm sure she wants a say in things.)
I feel like the mustachian thing to do would be to room together. Am I being a complainypants/just trying to find reasons not to do it?
Lastly, any ATL mustachians here with tips on sub-$1000/month apartments?? Boy have rents gone up since I move away in 2012!