Edit: I would appreciate to hear about the experiences of all Effective Altruists on this forum, not just the ones who have taken the Pledge. Please share :)
According to current GiveWell estimates, between 3000$ and 5000$ can save a life.
I learned about Effective Altruism (EA) way before I found FIRE, and it struck me immediately that as long as my life doesn't suck, this is the best thing I could possibly be doing with my money. Consequently, I've committed to donating 10% of my current income, though I haven't taken the GWWC Pledge yet. The reason I held off on that was the same reason I am posting here now: I didn't want to make such a major lifetime commitment without actually having earned a living, and very carefully thinking things through. So, thoughts please. Pros, cons. Experiences, perhaps.
Some further thoughts:
- My personal situation: I recently started working and have no debt and a small emergency fund. I'm also investing small amounts, which I will increase once my EF is bigger (october at the lastest.) I am currently earning my country's median income, and an optimistic prediction, which includes the Pledge, brings me to FI in my mid-thirties. It is unlikely that I will ever earn pre-FI MMM-level income, and if I do, it won't be in a way I can plan for right now. A possible post-FI plan is to start one of 80000hours.org's recommended careers, e.g. think-tank work. Current (vague) plan is to have children.
- philosophical considerations: the effects of money donated now also compound, and giving now vs. later is a complicated decision (EAs will be familiar with the debate). I lean towards giving now. More importantly, what struck me immediately after learning of EA, was the realization that if giving effectively became a middle class social norm, we would fulfill most UN development goals within this decade. That's not counting the second-order effects of money not spent on the waste of resources, for the environmentally inclined.
-practical considerations: the Pledge is fairly flexible. Donor-advised funds count towards it, and you can move your contributions around, e.g. I could donate 20% now and invest more in a bear market, inverted for the withdrawal phase. I intend to do this. Reasons for taking the Pledge, as opposed to quiet charity, are mostly social in nature. OTOH, I am able to envision a future where I would be unable to make my contributions long-term, and would have to take the ego hit of withdrawing. OTOOH, if I end up replacing monetary income with other sources (homegrown produce, barter and trade,..) in FI, I'm not sure what I would do with that. But it seems like a solvable problem :)
I have definitely missed important considerations, so I am looking forward to hearing people's thoughts. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this ^^