Oh, student loans. Started out with @$80k about 15 years ago, all racked up in law school (no undergrad debt; that was covered with combo of savings, part-time earnings, and a scholarship). Started out as a very low paid government lawyer. Deferred payments for a year (stupid, I know, but at $450/month, I just couldn't afford them at the time). Qualified for a 25-year payment plan, and took it. With interest rates coming steadily down the past decade, my payment is now at an all-time low of $175/mo. I was able to knock decent portions down with a loan repayment program at work (requiring consecutive 3-year commitments to stay) and had $7500 worth of Perkins Loans forgiven after 5 years because of public service. Now stand at @$26k, and I'm dropping $500/month on them to have them paid off in 5 years. All along, however, I contributed to the 401k, and as my income grew -- it's more than enough now -- I upped those contributions until I was maxed out a decade ago. I'm fine with that decision, especially in light of my 401k growth. I may drop additional money on them to pay them down quicker, but not sure if I need to do that given their very low interest rate (2.15%).
But man, I CANNOT WAIT to send that last check.