Hondo7-- I worry that the immediate "talk to your wife" feedback you received from the group will weaken your resolve to improve your financial situation.
We don't know the details of how you got to be in your current financial situation, but the fact that you went to a payday loan store and came to this forum before talking to your wife suggests to me that there is a bigger issue than "separate finances" in play. Perhaps you are afraid to admit to your wife that you made poor decisions, don't want to ask her for help, or are worried about your wife's reaction if you were to reveal the true state of your finances, or perhaps it is something else entirely. Whatever the reason, it seems like it is very important to you for you to have taken those steps before speaking to your wife.
This forum is a source of tough love. We will not give secret tricks for how to shirk your debts. What we will do is help you examine your finances in more detail than you likely have ever done before. We will also bluntly tell you the difficult things you must do to improve your finances. The people on this forum will help you make the hard choices you need to make and will support you during the difficult process of making those changes. But there is no way around the fact that it will require you to make difficult and uncomfortable decisions.
I think humbling yourself by speaking to your wife about your finances is something you must do soon. You could choose to do it now and have her help you work through a solution or your could choose to do it in a few days after you get a clearer picture of the state of your finances with the help of this forum. But your financial situation is an emergency and you need to enlist her help soon. It is important for her to know so that she can support you, even if she never gives you a dime of direct financial assistance.
If you tell her that you are in bad financial shape, show her that you have a plan to improve your finances, and ask for her support (whether financial assistance or merely emotional support), I have a hard time seeing it going poorly. She may initially be surprised, upset, confused and angry. But if she sees you confront this problem, humble yourself to her, and then conquer the problem, I would wager it will make your relationship stronger in the long run. Asking for her help may be hard for you to do-- perhaps one of the hardest conversations you have ever had-- but working through this with her and with the help of this forum could be one of the best things you ever do. Please don't lose your resolve.