I was paying for a YMCA membership that was unavailable. I also paid my neighborhood fees that were closed down (things like tennis courts, exercise stations, playgrounds were declared closed and we were on the honor system for these - they posted signs but no one was standing around enforcing).
In both cases, I was fine with them keeping the money and doing what they could to pay for things that are still in need like maintenance, utilities, staff salary, landscaping, etc.
The Y in my city switched over to child care for essential workers and free food distribution, and their workers are getting paid/facilities used. The CEO also declared last month that they were suspending charging folks for the membership fee, but if you wanted to pay it anyway to help out, then you could opt back in. I did, because I can afford it and feel like it's the right thing to do personally, but I am not upset at anyone taking them up on the fee suspension because the can't afford it.
Can you afford the fees? If so, do you think you can work around the idea that you are contributing to helping people even if you don't personally get any benefit right now? I don't think it's a question of you being an asshole here; these are extraordinary times and it is magnifying the issue - you moved in there for the stuff, you're paying for the stuff, but due to X, you don't get the stuff you're paying for. You are not out of line for feeling trapped/cheated.
But a slight shift in perspective may help a tiny bit: you are not being lied to or denied the facilities through some nefarious plot by the management company to steal money from you. They would love to let you use what you're paying them for. They aren't doing this on purpose to hurt you. They are likely also scared, bored, stir-crazy people too, but with the added bonus of worrying if they'll have enough tenants to support the current workforce and maintain the complex and facilities. If everyone left, they'd be in serious trouble. And there very likely are people that can't afford their place any more and are stiffing them on their rent and facility fees (and remember, evictions in most areas of the country are suspended so landlords are getting royally screwed - and most mortgage/property taxes, utilities won't likely cut THEM a break). Or moving out to cheaper places or in with relatives. So what you pay is desperately needed even if it is a larger corporate entity to try to keep things status quo.
I agree it would be great if everyone just got to suspend all payments to everywhere if they aren't able to use/afford things. But realistically, we need things to keep being supported. Sucks to be the one(s) left holding the bag but that's the cost of being a smart, responsible adult sometimes.
And there is always pubic parks, open spaces you can use near you, at least I would hope. Not close as your complex but it's still an option if you are going crazy.