Sorry for the late answer.
Take my exemple: the pattern for the years 26-56 is hugely correlated with 27-57. Obviously 29 of the years are exactly the same.
Lets assume that you find the single withdrawal rate that give you 50-50 chances of failing and you test it on the samples of the trinity study.
If the samples have no correlations, over a 70 trials you should see exactly 6 fails in a row (this serie: "...PFFFFFFP...") only one time (70x0,5^6 = 1), then you should see five fails in a row one time as well (70x0,5^5 - 70x0,5^6 = 1), 4 times should appear twice (70x0,5^4 - 70x0,5^5 = 2) ... of course this being statistics, it will never happen exacly as predicted but it should not be too far.
That is not what you will see in this study because if 26-56 fails, the chances of 27-57 failing is more than 50% because it is not independant. If you have only 70 years and you want 30 years samples, you can only create 2 truly independant samples (and lets not get into serial-correlation because that is another problem with most studies of the. stock market)
I hope this helps.