Hello fellow Mustachians,
I'm 53. I have tenant income from a two family house that I live in.
It gives me enough to live on, that I can deposit $1000 a week, almost my whole check into VFIAX.
I'm wondering if I should use my company's crappy high load 401k (American Funds) to take advantage of the tax benefit?
I can retire in 2-6 years according to my math.
I have $35k in an IRA (VFIAX) and $15k in VFIAX for $50k in savings. At 4% that's $166 a month I can withdraw.
I need about $500 a month, so require $150k in savings, which I can save up in 2 more years.
Since I'm over 50 I can do $18k a year plus $6k catch up for $24k into my crappy 401k per year for perhaps a good tax savings on a $90k/year income that would make up for crappy 401k rates.
Or or continue with $6500 into my IRA and the rest into VFINX.
I can draw from my IRA at 59.5 years old.
Need help to think this out.