For a long time, our family only had one employer sponsored retirement plan. Now that DH works at a University instead of a coffee shop, we have 3! My 401K, his 403B and his 457B. For 2017 we maxed out my 401K and contributed the % that would have been max to his 403B if he'd worked at U the whole year. (He started in June so it was only ~9K he put it.) We did not utilize the 457B. We also maxed out our two traditional IRAs. I did some preliminary tax calculations for 2017 and I estimate we are just barely under the 99K MAGI phase out to deduct our traditional IRA contributions. This was kind of alarming since we are used to being comfortably below any phase outs for anything, with AGI at or under 80K in recent years.
Current NW as of 12/31/17 was as follows:
$295K - Tax Deferred Retirement Savings (2 traditional IRAs, a rollover IRA, a 401K, and a 403B)
$297K - After Tax Retirement Savings (2 Roth IRAs)
$169K - Taxable investments
$ 80K - Kids' 529s (IDK why I'm including this. kinda not pertinent to question... but part of NW)
$ 58K - Other cash savings
$898K (as of 12/31/17. I can't believe this market. Today, 17 days later, we are at $928K. Very mixed feelings.)
no real estate, we rent because it's easy.
This year, we will max out at least my 401K, his 403B, and both of our IRAs. But IDK if we should be doing traditional or Roth. We have to think about staying below the 101K MAGI phase out cutoff if we want to deduct a traditional IRA, and we also have to think about keeping dollars out of the 22% tax bracket.
Our top tax bracket for 2017 is 15% and we expect it will be 12% for 2018. I guess I always expected we'd be in the same tax brackets in RE, too, so maybe none of this really matters that much? I do want to have a variety for draw down options, and it's currently pretty evenly split.
What do you think we should do and why? Max out the 457B? Put in just enough to stay in the 12% tax bracket and deduct traditional IRA contributions? Utilize the 457B but forget about traditional IRAs and contribute to Roths instead? Do half Roth and half traditional? I've been sitting on making a decision for a couple of weeks now and each day the shares get pricier! (We typically max out our IRAs the first day of the year or close to it.)