Price wise for data, going T-Mo based is the cheapest per GB, but Maine coverage will get dicey much past the I-95 corridor beyond the Portland-Bangor stretch.
US Mobile will let you do data only plans in any device with a base-price of $2/month for the SIM card plus whatever data plan you want up to 10GB at $30, and additional data add-ons beyond 10GB at the same price as the plan itself ($14 for 1GB, $20 for 4GB, $25 for 6GB, $30 for 10GB). The SIM will cost $4, though. They're T-Mobile based, so you should research coverage first to make sure it'll work... but if it'll work, they're literally some of the cheapest prepaid data prices you'll find currently.
If you need AT&T coverage, the cheapest AT&T mobile data coverage I've found is through, $30/month for 3GB through $125/month for 20GB. SIM card costs $20.
As for a device, you don't necessarily need a smartphone or a phone at all for tethering/WiFi access. A WiFi hotspot or USB modem can be frequently cheaper and more reliable. A carrier unlocked MiFi Liberate 5792 should work with AT&T or T-Mobile bands, and should be able to be bought for under $70. If you go with for the AT&T coverage, however, you could technically use an AT&T locked model, which can be had for half that. Alternatively, there's also the Unite 770s, with similar pricing locked versus unlocked. Ebay is your best choice, go with a reseller that specializes in mobile equipment or networking. The device prices should hold their value through the summer, especially if you get the carrier unlocked model.
If you still want to go phone, Microsoft Windows Phones (such as the carrier unlocked Lumia 640 or 650 which will have the necessary support bands for AT&T or T-Mobile data) can still be had at under $100 and fully supports doing WiFi hotspots, though it can sometimes get a little quirky to set up with some carriers. I would recommend the WiFi hotspot for the money, honestly.
If you absolutely need Verizon coverage,
Verizon Prepaid data only plans range $20 for 1GB usable over 30 days to $100 for 10GB usable over 60 days. Line activation is $35, but is waived if you buy a device from them directly. Their prepaid Jetpack MHS900L is currently $50 online. This price combined with the activation fee undercuts the financial viability of buying an existing device for cheap and activating. There's also who offers Verizon-based data-only plans 1GB for $20/month through 5GB for $55/month, and they offer free SIM cards if you bring your own used Verizon hotspot at the moment (plenty on Ebay for well under $25 - just search for one with a clean ESN and LTE support, there are plenty of models), though they normally charge $5 for the SIM. The prices can kinda cut six a one, half dozen the other between Verizon Prepaid and BOOM, depending on data quantity, service time, and device. You'd just need to do the math and know how much data you'll need.
These are literally the best options for mobile data across the three best networks for doing data only, usable as a prepaid hotspot without a service contract.
Any questions, let me know.