My husband has started selling a product he makes. This is never going to be much of a money maker, barely will even qualify as a side hustle, but I'm thrilled he's finally found a hobby that won't be a money pit, and may turn a little bit of a profit. (Key word being little.) He's the only one in the area doing this type of work and a bunch of local shops have already expressed interest in carrying the product.
I'd like to learn more about making the most of this business, exploiting the loopholes in true mustachian fashion. He wants to upgrade his equipment in the next year, and I think that can be a tax write-off --- yes? That's the sort of information we are looking for. I've done a little research and I don't think it makes sense for us to deduct utilities, etc., but supplies & equipment seem like a possibility. I'm torn on deducting the room he uses -- it's a multiuse room, we could probably reorganize some things so that it's a dedicated space, but that would require buying a some additional furniture so I don't know if it'd be worth it, plus I hear that deduction is an auditing red flag -- I just don't know if I want to deal with it.
I also remember there was a time where I really wanted to sign up for Chase Ink, although I no longer remember why. We already have Chase Freedom and Chase Sapphire Preferred. I see that the Chase Ink comes with some bonus miles, although I'm not keen to sign up for a second credit card with an annual fee. If we do, though, can we use personal spending to hit the minimum spend requirement?
Does anyone know of any easily digestible, helpful books or other resources for this type of information? I've done a little searching around and most books on starting a business talk about hiring employees, scaling up, etc -- this will solely be a small side hustle.